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Natural Remedies for Psoriasis: Turmeric-vs-CBD

Psoriasis is an itchy and painful skin condition. A problem with the immune system causes extra skin cells to build up quickly on top of each other, leading to the development of a variety symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Some of the psoriasis symptoms include:

Symptoms of Psoriasis

  • -Silvery, scaly patches
  • -Dry, cracked skin
  • -Bleeding skin
  • -Itchy skin
  • -Burning skin
Psoriasis symptoms may be constant, or they may come and go. Symptoms may show up in certain places on the body such as elbows and knees. Beyond the skin symptoms, psoriasis affects the inside of the body since psoriasis is a systemic disease. People with psoriasis may experience inflammation and swelling in other parts of their body.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, up to 30 percent of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, which leads to inflamed joints, swollen joints and stiff joints.

Traditional Treatments for Psoriasis

There is currently no cure for psoriasis. Treatments aim at slowing skin cell growth and reducing scales and plaques on the skin. Treatment options include:

  • -Topical corticosteroids
  • -Synthetic versions of vitamin D, also known as -analogues
  • -Topical retinoids
  • -Anthralin (Dritho-Scalp)
  • -Calcineurin inhibitors
  • -Salicylic acid
  • -Tar soap
  • -Light therapy
  • -Other powerful prescription drugs that alter the immune system, such as biologics

Many of these treatments may cause serious skin irritation and other side effects such as severe drying of the skin, recurring infections, skin atrophy and skin irritations.

As a result, some people with psoriasis turn to natural remedies, such as turmeric and even CBD, for relief.

Natural Remedies for Psoriasis

Can CBD Help Psoriasis?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, contains chemicals called cannabinoids. The human body also produces some cannabinoids naturally.

In the body, chemical messengers called endocannabinoids play a role in supporting many functions, including:

  • -Boosting immunity
  • -Reducing inflammation
  • -Increasing appetite
  • -Enhancing mood

Positive Effects of CBD 

CBD acts on the body's endocannabinoid system, which has receptors in the skin. When phytocannabinoids contained in CBD come into contact with these receptors, they reduce inflammation. They also produce other therapeutic effects that can improve the symptoms of psoriasis.

Researchers believe the features of some cannabinoids may help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis including:

Slowing skin cell growth: Some studies suggest that cannabis may be useful in slowing the rapid growth of skin cells. One study suggests that cannabinoids and their receptors may help control and limit the production of immature skin cells.

Managing pain: Research studies suggest CBD may also be useful in reducing chronic pain, according to an article in Current Rheumatology.

Regulating the immune system: Some studies indicate that cannabis reduces the severity of inflammation associated with some chronic autoimmune disorders, including psoriasis.  An article published in the Journal of Pharmacology indicates that cannabis can suppress the immune system.

Managing stress:  One of the major triggers for psoriasis is stress. Research studies have shown THC, the main active ingredient of CBD, can help relieve stress. However, research shows that while low doses of THC can produce stress-relieving effects, higher doses may actually have a negative effect on mood.

The Takeaway on CBD for Psoriasis 

Some of the ingredients in cannabis show potential promise as a complementary treatment to help manage symptoms of for psoriasis.

The positive effects of cannabinoids on the immune system and pain receptors suggest that cannabis might provide relief from psoriasis symptoms.  “We know that cannabinoids like CBD can reduce inflammation and pain,” David Casarett, MD, chief of palliative care at Duke University in Durham, stated in an interview with Health magazine. “Again, what we are seeing right now is that most of the evidence is circumstantial but promising.”

The Limitations on CBD for Psoriasis 

The limitations of CBD are its poor absorption into the skin and the lack of products with standardized doses. Many of the products available today simply do not deliver adequate levels of CBD to work effectively. However innovative nanotechnology products hold promise to help improve absorption and effectiveness of CBD in the future.

As with any new treatment, people considering cannabis to help manage their psoriasis symptoms, should always discuss it with their doctor. They should also refer to their local laws about cannabis and cannabinoid use.

Can Turmeric Help Psoriasis?

Turmeric has been used as a healing spice for centuries in both Chinese and ayurvedic medicine.  The compounds in turmeric have powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties.

The features of turmeric and curcumin, the most potent active ingredient in turmeric, that may help to reduce symptoms of skin health conditions such as psoriasis include:

Positive Effects of Turmeric

Antioxidant activity: This may decrease the oxidative stress related to skin lesions.

Anti-inflammatory activity: Curcumin appears to inhibit the production of substances known as cytokines that can lead to inflammation. In research studies, curcumin suppressed the proliferation of keratinocytes or skin cells (psoriasis patches) and decreased expression of pro-inflammatory proteins (cytokines) that lead to inflammation. Curcumin also helps reduce joint pain associated with psoriatic arthritis.

 Skin-barrier function: Turmeric may help strengthen the skin barrier function. In research studies, curcumin helped regulate involucrin (iNV) and filaggrin, substances involved in the skin barrier function.

The Takeaway on Turmeric for Psoriasis 

Turmeric is Nature’s powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Curcumin, the potent active ingredient in turmeric, has been studied extensively for its strong antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities. Studies show that turmeric can reduce inflammation and improve symptoms for a variety of conditions, including psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

It's always good to add the turmeric spice to your diet. But it's best to use turmeric supplements to get an effective therapeutic level of turmeric in your body. The limitations of many turmeric supplements are poor solubility and absorption. If turmeric is not absorbed, it does not provide the health benefits.  It’s important to use a maximum potency turmeric such as Nuvothera Super-Micronized Turmeric Curcumin for maximum benefits and results.

Another way to get an effective therapeutic dose of turmeric is through topical application. Turmeric is easily absorbed in the skin and helps reduce the symptoms of psoriasis such as scaling, itching, and redness, by controlling inflammation.  Learn more about the benefits of turmeric for skin health.

Turmeric Helps Conditions Related to Psoriasis

Turmeric has also been found to support many the other health conditions often associated with psoriasis such as elevated blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure, and other chronic inflammatory conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s, colitis, psoriatic arthritis, fatty liver disease, depression and anxiety. Learn more about the many health benefits of turmeric.

It’s best to speak with your doctor before incorporating supplements into your psoriasis treatment and management regimen.

Natural Psoriasis Remedies with Turmeric

Prosoria Daily Psoriasis Treatment System

If you are looking for a safe and effective natural remedy for psoriasis symptoms, consider Prosoria. It combines the power of clinical strength and natural ingredients, including turmeric, to help treat and control psoriasis symptoms. The secret is the system. It’s a skin care system for psoriasis that harnesses the power of combination treatment. The best results come with 12 weeks of consistent use. Click here to learn more about how Prosoria works.

Nuvothera Super-Micronized Turmeric Curcumin

Consider adding Nuvothera Super-Micronized Turmeric Curcumin as a supplement to help manage your psoriasis symptoms. It can also help manage or prevent potential comorbid conditions such as psoriatic arthritis and others. While Prosoria works on the skin from the outside, Nuvothera works on the body from the inside. Click here to learn more about Nuvothera’s maximum potency turmeric.

Don’t let your psoriasis keep you from living your best life. Take steps now to avoid psoriasis triggers,  minimize flares and love your skin again. For maximum support, combine both Prosoria and Nuvothera to keep psoriasis flares under control.